Michele Garinei ( 1871 - 1960 ) pipe smoker painting. Similar painting also up for bid. This painting appears was completed in 1914. Frame is roughly 15”X17” The painting is 8”X12” good luck , you will love this one This Artist has fetched well over 5500 dollars in Auction Houses much more in Private Sales and its popularity is steadily rising We have a similar Painting by this Artist for sale on e bay PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU BUY. THANK YOU additional information I am a private collector liquidating my entire collection of 8000 plus Paintings because of health reason. I will sell my paintings the same way I collected them for the past 50 years, by the value of their artistic quality workmanship and academic excellence. ...just trying to recoup a little before my Heirs sell them on a Yard sale.