An oil on canvas painting, 36 1/4" by 26", (44 1/2" by 34" framed), relined circa mid 20th century, no apparent signature present, nor attribution available. The weave of the canvas suggests a work pre-dating the 19th century. The painting is reminiscent of Italian Renaissance imagery and strongly suggestive of Italian origin. I acquired the work at an estate sale held at the Los Angeles home of E! Entertainment, Comcast CEO, and most recently NBC Broadcasting Chairman, Ted Harbert. The piece is in stable condition, with an antique flawed surface that comes with being over two hundred years old. Near the lower portion where the book is held, there is a disturbed area including diagonal scrape, and a small tear that could be attended to professionally. ***Three inch section at the right has crumbled since photos were taken; have saved the pieces.***Overall, this is a classic, decorative antique work for your traditional interior.